Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Power Rangers: Invasion - A Legendary War Side Story Concept

The following is a very brief, single-post Ranger series idea. Not much in the way of mecha, gear, or any real specifics mentioned, just the general over view of the series storyline.

Episodes 1 - 2:
The Warstar Empire has invaded Earth, and while the largest part of their invasion force targeted the Megaforce Rangers, ships and soldiers were sent across the globe. To defend the Earth, a secret organization known as The Collective calls for an emergency session of its leaders. 16 people in all, each from different nations. One member sits above the other 15 as a sort of arbiter. A plan is crafted, and the arbiter agrees, activating the hidden vault. A wall moves, the vault slides out. The sixteen each use a key to unlock the vault. Inside are various morphing devices, enough for 15 teams and a solo unit. The arbiter takes the individual morpher, while each of the others takes a different team set.