Sunday, October 5, 2014

"What If?" - The Legendary War

"What If?" - The Legendary War

Thanks to the United Kingdom being further ahead of the US regarding the airing of "Power Rangers: Super Megaforce," many in the US have already seen the final episode of the season entitled "Legendary Battle."

"Legendary" has been a tagline to this season from the beginning
     Since the start of Megaforce (which was adapted from "Tensou Sentai Goseiger") we've been teased about the upcoming Legendary Battle. In the first few seconds of the first episode we see brief flashes of it delivered via a dream to the future Red Megaforce Ranger, Troy. From that point on, the rest of the season deals with an alien invasion of Earth, which is just a precursor for the real invasion in season 2.

     With the start of Season 2, now called Super Megaforce and (mostly) using footage from "Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger," the Rangers are upgraded with Legendary Morphers that use keys to grant the Rangers access to the powers of the Legendary Rangers (all Rangers from the past, plus some never before seen in Ranger history [I may do a post on that later]), and eventually new zords (some based on past zords, some not, and one just reusing a name [I really should just do a general post on Super Megaforce, "Legendary Battle" aside]). Powered up and looking like pirates (but, you know, totally not pirates), the Rangers continue to fight an invasion using Legendary powers and meeting a few Legendary Rangers along the way.

     This all leads up to the final episode, which has been teased and been building for two seasons, "Legendary Battle." We know we're getting 10 cameos from past Rangers, we know the episode will run longer than normal, hopes have been building. It also helped build this hope that Season 2 of the Megaforce series was a marked improvement over season 1.

     By all accounts, things actually looked like they may well be...

     Well, having now seen the "Legendary Battle" I can say it most decidedly was not legendary. I didn't expect much more footage than what had been used in the Sentai for the Great Legend War from the Gokaiger sentai series, but the few minutes that comprised that sequence was cut down to be even shorter. The cameos were entirely pointless, and it left the franchise with an absurd amount of new plot holes (the franchise already has so many...), and the extra run time for the episode was only a minute or two.

Gokgaiger's "Great Legend War"

Power Ranger's "Legendary Battle"

     The "Legendary Battle" could have, should have, been so much more. Now, assuming no budgetary constraints, and with the rest of the Super MegaForce season the same as it actually is, I present a "What If?" scenario...

Series Type: Mini-series
Series Length: 5 episodes
Series Airing: Immediately following "Super Megaforce"