Sunday, January 22, 2017

Mighty Morphin Super Sentai

Welcome to the Mighty Morphin Super Sentai blog.

What is Mighty Morphin Super Sentai?

It is a Facebook fan page for all things Power Rangers, Super Sentai, and tokusatsu in general. The purpose of this blog is to allow for better archiving of our, the MMSS admins, thoughts and musings regarding the above topics.

This particular blog has always been the blog of one of the MMSS admins (admin Dr. K), however, it is being transitioned into the official MMSS blog. This is why you may see some posts dated well before this introductory post.

We are still getting things sorted here, but hopefully we'll get things going full bore soon.

Thank you for your patience.

-Mighty Morphin Super Sentai Admin Team