Friday, February 28, 2014

Power Rangers: Jurassic Justice - A Fan Adaptation of Kyoryuger

Power Rangers: Jurassic Justice -
A Fan Adaptation of Kyoryuger

The Premise:

     We return now to the city of Angel Grove, which has known relative peace since the end of Astronema's invasion, though there was a brief moment of danger during the Warstar Empire's invasion. A reclamation program headed by Eugene Skullovitch quickly rebuilt the city afterwards, and things soon returned to normal. The peace of the newly restored city would be short lived.

     A few short years later, what appeared to be a meteor was heading towards the city when it suddenly split in two. One piece smashed into the ground, sinking into the Earth near a children's hospital. The other doing the same, though it landed in the park near a Power Ranger memorial statue. The “meteor” was in fact a pair of brothers, ancient alien entities which had been at war with each other for centuries.

 Romulus and Remus.

     The brothers' war was fought via the power of imagination, the location of their arrival would play an integral part in what was to come.

     Romulus, the noble brother, came to rest near the Rangers statue, Rangers with ties to the ancient beasts known as dinosaurs. As such, as he regained his strength, his powers shaped his new constructs into tools needed to create a new team of Dino Rangers. However, Romulus would need help, someone that both knew the way of humans, knew the city, and knew the ways of Power Rangers. He scoured the city and found the perfect candidate. Someone that had moved into the city a number of years prior, someone who also happened to have once been a Power Ranger; 

Ethan James.

     Meanwhile, Remus, the dark brother, had landed near a children's hospital. His own power returning, he reached out into the minds of the nearby children, warping their imaginings into his own twisted tools. His first creations were his generals, most of them twisted constructs based on the Wizard of Oz. These generals would use their powers to create monsters ripped from the minds of children, monsters which would drain humanity of their emotions to fuel Remus' war efforts.

The Rangers:

     Romulus, the creator of the Ranger powers and their mentor, would primarily stay in their base of operations, an under ground cavern with pockets of technology (more like the Batcave than the Megaforce command center), though at times would venture out and fight with the Rangers. He is a very wise, ancient being that quickly grows to love humanity due to its potential for compassion and the strength of its imagination.

     Ethan James, the former Blue Dino Thunder Ranger, would serve as co-mentor with Romulus, and as the teams inventor. He had moved to Angel Grove after double majoring in computer programming and robotic engineering, taking a job with Skullovitch Industries, the nation's leading civilian / home defense system developer. He had lived in the city for roughly two years before Romulus contacted him.

     The initial team of Rangers would consist of Red, Blue, Black, Green, and Pink Rangers. Each of them chosen by Romulus for attributes they possessed. The Red Ranger was chosen for his bravery and indomitable spirit, Blue for his ability to find hope in the darkest of places, Green for his ability to remain calm and focused under pressure, Black for his quick wits and loyalty, and Pink for her ability to inspire others and keep them on task. The Gold Ranger would join fairly early on, having unlocked and developed his Ranger powers on his own, wanting to help the Rangers.

The Jurassic Megazord would consist of three zords at a time, the Red Ranger's T-Rex zord as the body, head, and legs, with two of the other Rangers' zords as the arms. Each combination would have a different formation name.

     The five zords;
     Red Tyrannosaurus,Blue Stegosaurus,Pink Triceratops,Black Parasaurolophus, Green Velociraptor

     The Gold Ranger's Pterodactyl zord is developed by Romulus and Ethan, it is a very versatile zord. It's basic form is that of a robotic pterodactyl, however, it is capable of transforming into a megazord by itself, the PteroMax Megazord. The PteroMax Megazord can then combine with two of the other Ranger's zords to gain additional fighting abilities, and can also combine with the Jurassic Megazord, creating the JurassicMax Megazord.

     The Rangers morph via wrist mounted flip-device that also serves as a communicator, the JurassiCell. Upon morphing, the morpher becomes their belt buckle, storing their Dino Batteries.

Once morphed, the Dino Batteries allow the Rangers to channel their energy into their weapons for special attacks, and to summon their zords.

 The Villains:

     Remus, the evil twin brother of the Ranger's mentor, and ruler of the now-destroyed Dark Dream Empire. Remus delights in both bringing nightmares to life and corrupting the hopes and dreams of innocents into monstrous creations. To aid in this, he has created multiple generals, each a twisted vision of something beloved.

     Lord Injustice, based on an immigrant child's dream of seeing the Statue of Liberty, as his great, great, grandfather had when first coming to America.

     Lord Injustice aside, all of Remus' generals are based upon a sick child's dream of being healthy and living in her favourite story, "The Wizard of Oz."

The Huntsman of Sorrow

The Scarecrow of Joy

The Traveler of Love

The Lion of Rage

     These generals are based upon the Tin Man, the Scarecrow, Dorothy, and the Cowardly Lion respectively. Along with Lord Injustice, the generals exist to rip the hopes and dreams, the fears and nightmares, from the minds of humans in order to fuel Remus' war efforts against his brothers.

     Some examples of the General's work in twisting what grows in the mind of mankind:
A dream of an education
A hope to be a sports pro

A fear of imprisonment
A lust for greed

     Remus and his generals also have at their disposal a seemingly endless army of foot-soldiers:

     Created out of primal, ancestral fears embedded in humanity's primitive past, the Sauronoids are not only plentiful, but capable of combining together to create giant nightmare versions of the T-Rex.

     In addition to the Sauronoids, Remus and his Generals have the Insectinoids, masterfully crafted from the fear of various insects many humans seem to have.

Friends of the Rangers:

     Eugene Skullovitch has a long history with the Power Rangers, from frequently running from various monsters to keeping two as pets to leading the resistance with his best friend against an invading alien army. After his best friend disappeared from Earth for a while, Skull was somewhat aimless. Eventually, though, a brilliant idea came to mind as he remembered how much he hated all the fear he felt when Angel Grove was under attack so frequently. He kept up with the news and knew monsters were still common, they just moved on to other cities. He wanted to help people feel safe, even in the event of monster attacks. He also knew, however, that he wasn't bright enough to develop the gadgets and tech he had in mind. Going to business school, Skull founded Skullovitch Industries. Gathering together the best minds he could, Skullovitch Industries slowly grew. As his company grew, he brought in more developers, eventually leading to his company being the nation's leading civilian / home defense system developer. And with Angel Grove under attack once more, Skull knew his company had to step up in trying to protect the city and its people.

     With Ethan working for both the Rangers and Skull, and Skullovitch industries taking on an active role in the new invasion of Angel Grove, it is only a matter of time until Ethan's two worlds come together.

     Adelle Ferguson still lives in Angel Grove, though now she doesn't run the Surf Spot. She did, however, take the Surf Spot, changed the name, and turned it into a successful city-wide chain of burgers-and-smoothie style restaurants. As the owner of the chain, Adelle doesn't directly run any specific site, though she still befriends her youthful customers whenever she can and whichever site she happens to be visiting.

* As always, all names would be subject to change. The names aren't important, the concepts are what I'm wanting to put out there

*These adaptation posts will not be following the same exact format as the Go-Busters adaptation posts

*The Gold Ranger would show up around episode 6

*In the first season, the Rangers would be seniors in highschool, in season 2 they would have graduated

*The Jurassic Rangers would have a different morphing sequence from the Kyoryugers, if not already apparent

*Power Up modes and other Ranger gear will be touched upon later

*Eugene Skullovitch would be a recurring character, more on him later

*The Kyoru Rangers not yet mentioned will be touched upon in future posts

* Once again, all names would be subject to change. The names aren't important, the concepts are what I'm wanting to put out there

*Skull and Adelle would be recurring characters throughout both seasons

* Other prominent Kyoryuger villains will be used, however, they'll be touched on more when they show up in the upcoming episode synopsis post

  (Editor's Note: It was at this point that Power Rangers Dino Charge was announced, thus I did not give the rest of the adaptation the same level of detail as the previous portion)

  • Skull would not only eventually learn the true identity of Ethan and the other Rangers, he would devote his company to helping out the Rangers. US exclusive tech, including a team battlizer, would come from Ethan and Skull via Skullovitch Industries
  • The non-core team, Cyan, Violet, Silver, Grey, would not have definitive Rangers tied to their powers. They would be known as the Emergency Morphers, usable only once by any given person due to their power levels. These would premiere in the mid-season movie (more on that later), and by the end of season two Ethan would have morphed into each color once. Other episodes would feature the guest star/side character of the episode morphing to help the Rangers
  •  The Go-Busters/Guardian Squad would have an episode crossover in season one
Jurassic Justice Mid-Season Movie:
  •      Season one would end at the end of the school year, the Rangers about to graduate. The movie would be set between seasons one and two, bridging the two, and would cover the graduation
  • Speakers at the graduation would be Adam Park and Tommy Oliver, with Bulk and Skull being primary organizers of the event (Skull offering, calling on Bulk to help out)
  • The movie would be based on the concept of "Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger vs. Go-Busters: Dinosaur Great Battle! Farewell, Eternal Friends," combining the three Dino teams (no Go-Busters/Guardian Squad)
  •  Able to use the power of imagination to create things, Romulus (Torin, the season's mentor) uses said power to allow Adam to morph into MMPR Black, and summon energetic dupes of his morphed teammates, and Ethan to become DinoThunder Blue again (along with energetic dupes of his teammates). Meanwhile, bridging to Dino seasons himself, Tommy morphs into a suit that combines both MMPR Green and DinoThunder Black
  • It is here in this movie that the Emergency Morphers debut, via Bulk and Skull becoming Jurassic Cyan and Grey respectively, bringing their character arcs to their ultimate climax

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