Wednesday, February 12, 2014

"What If?" Power Rangers Dino Charge

     By now, most of you will have heard that Saban Brands have announced the Power Rangers series following "Super Megaforce," and that series is "Dino Charge." Saban Brands appears to be skipping an adaptation of Go-Busters, despite how great of a series it could be used to make. Which, by the way, if you haven't yet done so, you should check out my fan adaptation of the series HERE.
Official Dino Charge Promo Poster
     This story broke in a USA Today article a few days ago, confirming that the next Power Rangers series would adapt Kyoryugers. While some were skeptical of this article, eventually the official PR Facebook page confirmed the story, and soon after Saban Brands released a press release on the matter. Both the USA Today article and the press release had a synopsis for the general story the series will follow;

"On pre-historic planet Earth, an alien secretly entrusted the powerful Paragon Prisms to 12 majestic dinosaurs for protection, but when asteroids hit and the dinosaurs went extinct, the prisms were lost.

In Power Rangers Dino Charge, set in present day, an intergalactic bounty hunter has arrived, determined to locate the prisms, harness their power, and destroy Earth. To face this threat, a new team of heroic Power Rangers must join together, and all of the lost prisms, and use their prehistoric
energy to charge up an arsenal of dino-fueled swords, blasters, zords and Megazords in order to save the world."

     The synopsis actually sounds like a good set up for a series, and given the number of zords and Rangers in Kyoryuger, Dino Charge certainly needs to run for a full two seasons (40 episodes) to be utilized fully. That said, while it does seem we are off to a good start with this series already, I am quite disappointed with the lack of Go-Busters adaptation. Of course, it is always possible that Saban Brands is simply reversing the order, and a Go-Buster adaptation will follow Dino Charge. I have no reason to suspect this is the case, it is just a possibility. That said, assuming Go-Busters will not get their own Power Rangers series, what follows is what I hope happens (in general, not necessarily in specific detail) in Dino Charge, based entirely on the above synopsis;

"On pre-historic planet Earth, an alien secretly entrusted the powerful Paragon Prisms to 12 majestic dinosaurs for protection, but when asteroids hit and the dinosaurs went extinct, the prisms were lost."

     The alien visitor survived the impact of the asteroids which wiped out the dinosaurs, however, to do so he resorted to a state of hibernation in a protected cavern. In modern times, a team of archeologists discover the cavern, which appears to have a perfectly preserved stone statue of a bird-man in it. Moved to a museum, the alien soon awakens, an automatic defensive reaction based on a threat to the Paragon Prisms entering Earth-space.

The alien visitor, future mentor to a new team of Rangers

"In Power Rangers Dino Charge, set in present day, an intergalactic bounty hunter has arrived, determined to locate the prisms, harness their power, and destroy Earth."

     The bounty hunter works for collective of evil warlords that operate on other planets. Each of them lead a faction which had had run ins with the alien visitor in the ancient past, each faction holding a grudge for millions of years, passed down from leader to leader. Each time a faction faced the alien, they were defeated by the power of the Paragon Prisms. It was the formation of their evil alliance that drove the alien visitor to go to Earth. Their combined might was too much for the alien, and he needed to keep the Paragon Prisms safe. He escaped to Earth in secret, unfollowed. Time passed, the alien "statue" was removed from his protective cavern, and a passing Collective ship detected his bio-signature, weakened in his hibernation state, but still present. This information was relayed and the bounty hunter deployed to destroy the alien, obtain the the Paragon Prisms, and destroy the planet which had kept the alien safe for so long.

The bounty hunter
     Upon the bounty hunter entering Earth-space, the alien awoke. His bio-signature now strengthened, his foe was led right to him. The alien and the bounty hunter fight, though the bounty hunter (currently) isn't too difficult for the alien to defeat. However,the bounty hunter did not arrive unprepared for war. The Collective had given the bounty hunter free reign to their individual arsenals, and using the tech at his disposal the bounty hunter created his generals, empowered by the natural energies of whatever planet they occupy;

The Geo-Bursters
     The alien had kept a single Paragon Prism on his person, and with the arrival of the Geo-Bursters, he attempted to use it. The Bursters were too fast, and the alien was not only unable to use the power of the prism, but also had it knocked from his hand. The bounty hunter took the prism while his generals dealt with the alien. Before the final blow could be struck, the alien managed to escape.

 "To face this threat, a new team of heroic Power Rangers must join together, and all of the lost prisms, and use their prehistoric energy to charge up an arsenal of dino-fueled swords, blasters, zords and Megazords in order to save the world."

     Now fully aware of his enemy, and knowing how they had tracked him (this would be learned during the previous scene), the alien consciously suppressed his bio-signal so he could no longer be tracked and set about to gather the remaining Paragon Prisms from wherever they may be. Of course, knowing he is both out numbered and out powered, his first order of business would be to create allies of his own.

The Dino Charge Power Rangers
*Along with the Geo-Bursters, the bounty hunter also has a library of monsters and robots that can be sent into battle

*As the Dino Charge Rangers get more members, weapons, and gear, so too do the Geo-Bursters

*Eventually of of the zords from Go-Busters would be used, along with all of the Kyoryuger zords

*The Paragon Prism the bounty hunter obtained would eventually be used to create an evil Dino Charge Ranger;

The Dark Charge Ranger
* Buster Beet and Stag would eventually be created by the bounty hunter, giving him Geo-Burster Gold and Silver

* The alien would end up creating a Gold, Grey, Purple, Cyan, and Silver Ranger as well

*And unrelated to this post, just because it is something I really want to happen (even if only in one episode) in this series as it would be the ultimate end to his character arc, I present this idea one more time;

*Lastly, as always, the names of characters and such are irrelevant, it is the ideas presented that matter

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