Friday, August 14, 2015

Power Rangers: Guardian Squad - A Fan Adaptation of Go-Busters

     The following is a compilation of four previous posts, nothing but tweaks to the layout have changed. Also, this was written before Dino Charge was announced, and before Super Megaforce aired. Were I to re-adapt Go-Busters, I'd adjust the story for the current state of Ranger affairs.

     Now, on to...
Power Rangers: Guardian Squad -
A Fan Adaptation of Go-Busters

Season 1

The Premise:
     Some time has passed since we've last visited Silver Hills, and in that time the Silver Guardians have done wonders with making it a great place to live. Led by the Quantum Ranger (if Dan Southworth is not able to reprise his role as Eric, then the power of the Quantum Ranger will have been transferred to another), crime is practically non-existent and the city has been provided with a clean, renewable energy source, free for all citizens. The Think Tank, a research and development project ran and co-funded by the Silver Guardians, in conjunction with Hartford Industries, had developed a way to tap into a self-replenishing bio-field that surrounds the planet, and use it to power the city. By creating a series of giant collector towers, the city of Silver Hills is powered by the Morphing Grid itself.

     Neither the Silver Guardians nor Hartford Industries have a short memory, however, and they have developed a new series of Ranger technology to defend the city, and the Morphing Grid, should another evil show itself. Led in the field and trained by the Quantum Ranger, the new Rangers use their wrist-mounted Guardian Boosters to Ranger-Up and protect the city. And they will be needed, as a new threat to Silver Hills is imminent.

The Rangers:
     Operating out of the Silver Guardian Command Outpost on the outskirts of town, the Rangers utilize a localized teleportation system that uses the advanced energy systems of Silver Hills to teleport the Rangers anywhere within city limits. Eventually the Rangers would also receive highly advanced combat cycles for when teleportation is either not functioning, being blocked, or is unable to do what they need done.

     Leader of the Silver Guardians in the field, the Quantum Ranger takes on the role of mentor and trainer of the new Guardian Squad. It is his job to turn them into a formidable fighting force to turn back evil, in whatever form it may take.

     Ranger Unit Red is to be the eventual field leader of the Guardian Squad, but has a long way to go. Often over zealous, both team-work and over estimating his abilities are his biggest flaws to over come. The Red Guardian Booster allows Ranger Unit Red to tap into the Morphing Grid to accelerate his actions, moving at super speed.

     Ranger Unit Red pilots the Speed Assault Mechazord, which is capable of transforming from a high speed ground assault vehicle to a much more maneuverable (and faster) cheetah mode to a sword wielding, battle ready, mecha.

     Ranger Unit Blue is the oldest of the Guardian Squad, though only by a couple of years. He was a member of the Silver Hills volunteer fire department before he joined the Silver Guardians, and it was his brave acts on the fire department that drew the attention of the Silver Guardians. He is more responsible than the other two, which is good, as the Blue Guardian Booster grants Ranger Unit Blue short bursts of Super Strength.

     The Armored Defender Mechazord is capable of transforming from a heavily armored carrier vehicle into a tough, super strong, missile launching robot-gorilla mode.

     One year younger than Ranger Unit Red, Ranger Unit Yellow is definitely a bit more mature than her red-hued teammate. Ranger Unit Yellow is also the younger sister of Ranger Unit Blue (she was adopted), and as such, Blue can be a bit overprotective, which she finds annoying. The Yellow Guardian Booster enables Ranger Unit Yellow to jump and kick with great force.

     Ranger Unit Yellow pilots the the Aerial Attack Mechazord, as whether in helicopter mode or rabbit mode, it is known for its attacks from above, though in rabbit mode it is capable of subterranean movement as well.

     The Speed Assault, Armored Defender, and Aerial Attack Mechazords are capable of combining to for the Techo Knight Megazord, for when their individual abilities are not enough. Armed primarily with multiple blades, the Techno Knight Megazord channels energy from the Morphing Grip into its primary weapon to overload and destroy most threats.

     The Rangers eventually receive upgrades to their Guardian Boosters, allowing them to access Elite Mode. Elite Mode would be this seasons Battlizer mode, boosting their strength and fighting prowess, and allowing them access to more powerful weaponry.

     Unique to the Power Rangers adaptation would be Ranger Unit Green, another female Ranger. Ranger Unit Green is a mystery. No one knows who she is, or where she obtained her Guardian Booster, which grants her master over the element of water.

     And just as with her Guardian Booster, no one knows where she obtained her Aqua Blast Mechazord, capable of transforming from a missile launching frog mode to a submersible vehicle mode.

     Proving to be yet more baffling to the Silver Guardians/Rangers/Think Tank is the fact that the Aqua Blast Mechazord can combine with the Speed Assault and Armored Defender Mechazords to make the Turbine Knight Megazord. Replacing Techno Knight's swords with clawed, turbine hands, Turbine Knight is capable of using his hands for flight, deflecting attacks, and launching a powerful attack of pressurized air.

The Villains:

     Many years ago, from the depths of space, the Machine Empire came to Earth. While not always an easy war, the Zeo Rangers went to battle against the invaders, ultimately driving them away. In their defeat, the Empire's base of operations upon the Earth's moon fell to ruin, while various dump sites were created around the United States to safely stash the ruins of the various Cogs, fighters, and mechanical menace's the Zeo Rangers had destroyed in their battles with the Empire, until the ruins could be properly destroyed.

     Meanwhile, a dimension over...

     The artificial intelligence program known as Venjix had obtained control of its Earth's computer systems. Using its control over most of the planet's technology, Venjix ravaged the globe, turning the world into a desolate wasteland while the last hope of humanity existed in a singular domed city, Corinth.

     Set to wipe out humanity, Venjix enacted plan after plan to wipe out Corinth, only to be thwarted time and again by that world's Rangers, the RPM team. Doing as Rangers do, they managed to defeat Venjix and restore the Earth to a place of life and beauty. However, even in their victory, Venjix was not destroyed, he'd merely gone into hiding inside of Ranger Red's morpher, waiting for the perfect opportunity to once more act.

     In time, the perfect opportunity would arrive, when a rogue machine would cross dimensions, requiring Ranger Red to follow. On this other Earth, he teamed up with that world's Rangers, never knowing the threat he would unleash simply by helping fight a great evil.

     By bringing his morpher to the Samurai Rangers' Earth, RPM Ranger Red unknowingly gave Venjix access to that Earth's wireless networks. Using the rampant technology of this new Earth, Venjix fled the morpher and escaped into the internet. There, the villainous AI began sifting through information until he found what he needed. Public news archives revealed information about the Machine Empire, from there he tracked down information on the technology and where any of it may remain. Venjix then bounced off satellites until he launched himself into the ruins of Empire's moon base, taking root in a relatively undamaged subterranean chamber. With a base of operations, and the locations of the remaining Earth-bound wreckage of the Empire, Venjix still needed a general to command.

     Enter NASADA, and a falsified communique from Venjix, which sends a one man mission up to the wreckage of the Machine Empire's moon base in a shuttle loaded with various technological tools and raw material Venjix is in need of. Upon landing, using a small flying bot he created, Venjix takes control of shuttle pilot, upgrading him to meet the AI's need. Using the remnants of the Machine Empire, his own vast intellect, and his new general (now flying back and forth between the Earth and the moon base in a newly-upgraded NASADA shuttle to gather supplies and set plans into motion), Venjix is ready to conquer this new Earth.

     With plans now in motion, Venjix's new general, Machinex, operates primarily on Earth, in the city of Silver Hills. Upon learning of the Morphing Grid Energy Collectors in the city, Venjix knew he would require the great power they contained to fully fuel his new empire. Using a combination of his own technology, mixed with traces of the Machine Empire tech, Venjix supplies Machinex with the tools neccesary to not only generate robot menaces from standard Earth tech, but it also transmits the specs of the monsterized machines back to Venjix, where the information is fed into a template to upgrade various giant mecharoids to be dispatched to Silver Hills to properly drain the energy collectors.

     Having scoured this Earth's internet and various governmental and corporate databases, Venjix knew it was likely he would face a team of Power Rangers of some sort. With this in mind, he uses the resources at his disposal to create a new soldier force. Having learned from his mistakes with the Grinders, the Volshock Troopers are much more fluid in their movements and have greater fighting skills.

     Operating without a body, Venjix now watches and waits, plots and schemes, from inside his own private computer system, as his monsters and minions work to realize his goals of reshaping this Earth into one of his own design.

Season 1 - Plot Points & Story Arcs

Episode 1 - 2:
     We are introduced to the city of Silver Hills again, highlighting the advancements made since 2001, particularly the Morphing Grid Energy Collectors. We are also reaquainted with the Silver Guardians and the Quantum Ranger when the city is attacked, without warning, by squads of Volshock Troopers.

     The Troopers are handled by the Silver Guardians, showing they are still a fairly effective fighting force, however, when the first of Venjix's new robot monsters attacks, they aren't as useful. However, the Guardians and the Quantum Ranger are able to fight the robot to a statelmate, and the robot flees.

     The Quantum Ranger then enacts the Guardian Squad protocols, delivering the Guardian Boosters to their selected operators, and beginning the newest team of Rangers.

     Episode 1 ends with the Rangers still fighting the monster when Venjix teleports in a giant battleborg to drain energy from one of the MGECs, using features of the smaller robot on an otherwise generic template.

     Episode 2 introduces the Rangers to their Mechazords, showing off their fighting prowess and transformational abilities. During the fight with the giant robot, the Quantum Ranger meets general Machinex, fights Venjix's lackey, and loses. It is learned by the Rangers at the end of the episode that the Quantum Ranger was captured by their foes. 

Episode 3 - 5:

     Each episode focuses on a different Ranger, highlighting their pasts and character, leading up to them becoming Rangers. It is in these episodes that the Techno Knight Megazord is first formed, and the Rangers receive their Guardian Cycles.

     We would also see the Quantum Ranger imprisoned, being tormented for information by Machinex during one of these episodes.

Episode 6:
     The back story of the Silver Guardians is given to the Rangers, showing what they've been up to since Time Force. The Quantum Ranger plays a bigger part in this episodes via flashbacks, showing the Guardians growing and adapting to new technology as it is developed. We also see the Silver Guardians fighting off the minions of various evil lords from other seasons of Power Rangers between Time Force and Guardian Squad, whenever their minions were sent to the city.

     We would also see Wes, Time Force Red, in the flash backs, and learn that he left the Quantum Ranger in charge of the Silver Guardians while he traveled the world, defending it from evil wherever Rangers might be needed, but weren't present for. This also explains why he isn't around in Silver Hills during the Guardian Squad series.

Episode 9 - 11:
     We are introduced to Ranger Unit Green, a mysterious female Ranger with her own Guardian Squad tech, but no one in the Silver Guardians knows who she is or where she got her gear. It is through her that the Rangers learn the name of the menace they face, Venjix, for the first time. It is here they also learn of where Venjix came from and how he came to this Earth (there would be a few clips used from both RPM and Clash of the Red Rangers as Green tells the story).

     Episode 9 would be  Green's introduction. 10 would be her first use of the Aqua Blast Mechazord and her Guardian Cycle, and 11 would be the first use of the Turbine Knight Mechazord.
We also see the Quantum Ranger starting to crack, the first piece of information which slips being the location of the primary Guardian base.

Episode 12:
     Machinex gains access to the Silver Guardians base, accessing and copying it's database before the Rangers are able to force him to flee or be destroyed.

Episode 13 - 15:
     Using the data obtained from the Silver Guardians database, Venjix creates a robot capable of bypassing the Guardian Boosters power protocols, allowing the robot to short circuit the Ranger's Ranger mode. The only one it doesn't work on is Ranger Unit Green.

     Using protoype technology the Think Tank was working on, along with designs specs for the Rangers and their powers that no one outside of the Think Tank should know, Ranger Unit Green and Andrew Hartford upgrade the Guardian boosters to access Elite Mode. As Venjix has no knowledge of these protocols, the Rangers are able to once again fight back.

Episode 16 - 18:
     As suspicions about just who the Green Ranger is, and how she knows what she knows, and has the tech that she has, grows, Venjix has also stepped up his game to gather energy. At the end of a fearsome battle in episode 16, the Ranger's zords are destroyed by a giant battleborg using information gained from the Quantum Ranger, but in the process the Rangers also defeated the giant robot. The smaller robot remained, proving too strong for the Rangers. In the aftermath of this fight, Green's helmet is destroyed, and we see her identity for the first time;


     After the Rangers retreat from the episode 16 fight, Episode 17 is Tenaya's back story. The Rangers learn she volunteered for a mission from Doctor K to follow Venjix to this other Earth, and do what she could to stop him. Doctor K, it turns out, was wrong about Tenaya's robotics stalling out, and it was the same robotics which would allow her to survive in the other Earth's atmosphere outside of Ranger mode. Using technology supplied by Doctor K, who also supplied information for creating more Ranger tech, Tenaya found herself caught up in Silver Hills during the Mega War. In the aftermath, she met the Quantum Ranger, informing him of Venjix and what was likely coming. With the resources of the Silver Guardians, the Quantum Ranger established the Think Tank with Hartford industries to create the Guardian Squad tech. Tenaya then isolated herself from the Quantum Rangers, awaiting the day Venjix made his move.

     Episode 18 has the four Rangers going back into action to defeat the robot from episode 16, Tenaya morphing with the Guardian Squad for the first time. By the end of the episode, they learn the location of Venjix's base.

Episode 19 - 20:
     Episode 19 finds the four Rangers taking the fight to Venjix, as they attack his moon base. The Rangers face Machinex, defeating him for the last time, though not before he manages to destroy Tenaya's Guardian Booster. The other Rangers tell her to stay with their shuttle, they'll fight Venjix, but she doesn't, and the episode ending with her running into Venjix's base while the Rangers fight their way to Venjix's location.

     Episode 20 has the Rangers confronting Venjix, who generates robot after robot to attack the Rangers, wearing them down as the fight goes on. Meanwhile, still a skilled fighter, Tenaya fights her way into the base, learning of the Quantum Ranger's location, and freeing him.

     As Venjix seems to be getting the upper hand, both the Quantum Ranger and Tenaya arrive to the fight, igniting the other Ranger's fighting spirit, and Venjix is seemingly destroyed. The Rangers and Tenaya return to the Earth, where the Quantum Ranger sends up a salvage team to scrap Venjix's base, and collect anything that may prove useful for studying.

     When Tenaya contacts Doctor K to return home, it is learned that something has altered the dimensional connection and she can't return home. The Rangers tell her she can stay with them, but she declines, the episode ending with her riding off, unmorphed, on her Guardian Cycle.

Season 2
     Unlike for season 1, there will only be one post for season 2, and it will be brief summations and a series of bullet-point ideas more than anything else.

Guardian Squad / Super MegaForce Crossover:

     Taking place between seasons 1 and 2 is the crossover movie event featuring the Guardian Squad meeting the Super MegaForce Rangers. This crossover would have a good bit of original content rather than being stock footage from sentai. In it we learn that Venjix is still alive, though his whereabouts are unknown.
Inspired by information he downloaded regarding past Rangers, specifically the Super MegaForce team, he creates a new general, Villiplex. Villiplex is composed of nanotechnology, and loaded with data files on all past Ranger villains and monsters. And as he was inspired by the Super MegaForce Rangers and their keys, Villiplex has his own Villain Keys.

     After their first battle with Villiplex, the Guardian Squad contact the most recent team of past Rangers for assistance. Both teams of Rangers battle Villiplex, defeating his normal sized form, then summoning their megazords when Villiplex grows. The combination of Guardian Squad tech and Gosei tech unlocks a new feature of the Legendary Megazord, allowing it to transform into past megazords. The final battle scene is the original Dino Megazord and the Techno Knight Megazord versus a giant Lord Zedd.

     After defeating Villiplex, a cloaked figure rushes onto the battle field, stealing the villainous legendary morpher then disappearing into the sewers.

     The Ranger teams say their goodbyes and part ways, and the hour long special comes to an end.

Season 2 Plot Points:
  • Operating from a secret location, Venjix continues to send evil robots, followed by giant battleborgs
  • After Venjix's defeat on the moon, Machinex begins working on plans of his own in secret
  • Tenaya has taken up residence in giant scrap yard, trying to construct her own portal generator to return home
  • Around episode 4, in the middle of a battle between the Guardian Squad and evil robot, Rito Revolto shows up, attacking the robot
  • Rito then uses the villain keys, turning into Dekar and pulling off a finishing move
  • After the battle, Dekar de-villifies, revealing it was Tenaya that picked up the evil morpher in the crossover movie
  • Tenaya rejoins the fight along side the Rangers
  • Around episode 6 Venjix upgrades his machines, increasing their power
  • Even with Tenaya's villain morpher, the Rangers need more help
  • Quantum Ranger activates Ranger Units Gold and Silver along with their zords
  • Around episode 12 it is learned that Venjix escaped into a near by compatible source of technlogy at the moment of his defeat on the moon, Tenaya, having been operating from inside her cybernetic implants
  • Venjix has been using salvaged tech from the scrap yard Tenaya calls home to create his robots
  • Machinex's plans continue to develop
  • Around episode 16 Venjix is defeated once and for all, being completely erased from within Tenaya
  • Machinex's plans reach fruition as he has learned enough about the Guardian Booster tech to create his own Booster unit
  • Machinex's plan causes multiple Morphing Grid Energy Collector's to explode, destroying parts of the city
  • Series draws to a close with Machinex being defeated, the villain morpher being destroyed, Tenaya returning home, and the Guardian Squad and the Silver Guardians setting out to rebuild Silver Hills

  • The Quantum Ranger will remain an active character, serving as a mentor
  • The Quantum Ranger will still occasionally join in on the action, however

  • Ranger Units Gold and Silver are introduced
  • Rangers Gold and Silver will be reoccurring side characters from within the ranks of the Silver Guardians that were seen in season 1

  •  More American original content, Ranger Unit Red receives a Battlizer mode

  • Ranger Unit Silver operates the Beetle Assault Zord

  •  Ranger Unit Gold operates the Beetle Auxiliary Zord
  • Combined together, they form the Buster Beetle Megazord
  •  The zords of Rangers Red, Blue, Yellow, Silver, and Gold combine to form the Ultimate Knight Megazord

  • Near the end of the series the Quantum Ranger would join the battle with the Road Buster Lion Megazord, a triple changing zord.
  •  The Road Master Lion Megazord is capable of combining with the Blue and Yellow Ranger's zords.

* The names of the Zords would be subject to change, they were the first suitable names that came to mind.

* The Buddy Roids would not appear in the adaptation.

* The Quantum Ranger, due to plot points, would only be a regular character in the first two episodes, before he'd only be seen briefly every few episodes afterwards, until the season finale where he would have a bigger part to play.

* Ranger Unit Green's costume would be subject to change, the image used is the best I could find via Google to fit the part.

* Ranger Unit Green wouldn't appear in the series until just before the half-way point of season one, and both her identity and the origin of her Ranger tech wouldn't be revealed until around the season finale, though there would be hints via her dialogue leading up to the reveal.

* The combat bikes mentioned above would, like Ranger Unit Green, be original content for the adaptation.

* Season Two would remain with the Go-Buster costumes and footage, but will introduce the adaptations of Beet and Stag Buster, their Zords, and perhaps a few more bits of original content.

* For Machinex, this would be another instance of the American character/actor being dressed and looking similar to the Japanese counterpart in order to use more of the Super Sentai footage.
* Machinex is capable of entering the digital system Venjix exists inside for the purpose of communication.

* As with the previous entry, both the names of Machinex and the Volshock Troopers would potentially be subject to change.

* The NASADA shuttle would be reminiscent of the one the Turbo Rangers used to fly into space to find Zordon, just a bit more sleek/newer looking.

* This adaptation would use the concept of fighting both the human-sized robots and the giant sized mecha at the same time, as Go-Busters did.

* Tenaya's Ranger suit modulates her voice, making it more difficult viewers to pin point her identity.

*Scenes of Venjix/Machinex tormenting the Quantum Ranger for information would show up every now and then, up to his release in the finale.

*As with Power Rangers Samurai still using Shinkenger footage for season two, Guardian Squad would continue using Go-Buster footage for season two.

     This brings my ideas for adapting Go-Busters into Power Rangers to a close. Between the amount of original content and ties to past seasons, I doubt it is something that would ever get made even if I did work for Saban, but I have enjoyed putting it together (even though I know this post is some what rushed and not up to the same level as the first three). I hope you've all enjoyed reading these posts. I would love feedback on them, good or bad.

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