Monday, March 2, 2015

Chrono Rangers - A Fan-Made Power Rangers Team

The following is the concept for an original team/season of Power Rangers created by admin Gokai Green of the Mighty Morphin Super Sentai tokusatsu fanpage on Facebook. It is a wholly original creation, not based on any sentai or PR series.

Power Rangers
Chrono Rangers

 -Story Concept -

The year is 2350. 150 years ago a new subspecies of human emerged. Sensitive to the flow of time and anomalies in the time stream and marked physically by their chalk white hair and the hourglass-like markings on the backs of their hands, these individuals have been labeled Homo sapiens chronos by the scientific community and chrono humans (or simply chronos) by the laity. As these people became aware of an increasing number of time anomalies, Chronos (so called because of the colloquial name for many of its founding members and the fact that its primary purpose was the preservation of the time stream) was formed to monitor and attempt to combat these anomalies. More recently, a group of beings calling themselves the Unclocked have emerged, seemingly from outside of time itself, with the goal of whiping out the entire timeline. It is now up to an intrepid team of newly licensed Power Rangers to combat this threat.

- The Rangers -

Cy (Red Chrono Ranger):

A young chrono human, Cy was at the bottom of his class and barely graduated; he never even expected to be offered a position with Chronos, let alone that he would become the Red Chrono Ranger, and he was packing his bags to leave when he was given the news; he is determined to not let down his teammates and has set his sights on the Unclocked's leader.

Martha (Blue Chrono Ranger):
A young chrono human with the best grades in her graduating class, Martha saw becoming a Chrono Ranger as all but assured; she is highly analytical and can reason her way out of any problem; she often resents the fact that Cy seems to be such an amateur when it comes to sensing temporal anomalies and interpreting his sensations as well as his lack of academic knowledge regarding such subjects, but she eventually lightens up toward him and helps him get better at sensing anomalies.

Reginald (Yellow Chrono Ranger):
A young human, Reginald was the best fighter in his graduating class; he is very laid back and often considered lazy by his peers, but he knows how to be serious in a fight; when not fighting or in the field, he prefers to spend his down time reading, and he'll often complain when this is interrupted by anything other than a fight or something else he perceives as being fun.

David (Green Chrono Ranger):
A human outlaw from 1875 Nevada, David tricked his way onto the team when they found themselves stranded in his time period; preferring to stay out of fights, he often tries to use his wits to talk his way out of them; he doesn't take his position as a Chrono Ranger seriously at first, but he soon comes to realize the importance of his mission.

Shizuka (Pink Chrono Ranger):
 A young human from the year 2500, Shizuka joins the team when they accidentally end up in her time period; often anxious, she tends to fuss over the others and is jokingly called the team's mother; she is against leaving her time at first, but she ultimately decides that she can't leave her new friends when presented with the opportunity to return.

Argus (Time Keeper):
A being of pure chronal energy, he takes on the form of a male chrono human and emerges to help Chronos defeat the Unclocked; coolheaded but eccentric, he often speaks cryptically about time and his mission, often leaving the others with more questions than answers; while his mission was at first not to stay around after defeating the Unclocked, he eventually grows close to his teammates and ultimately gives up his power to save them.

- Civilian outfits -

Standard-issue Chronos uniforms worn by the core Rangers:
A zip-up long-sleeve jacket (Terry and Reginald always wear theirs unzipped except for formal occasions; the others will occasionally unzip theirs when relaxing [Martha only after her character arc]) and pants, a short-sleeved t-shirt of the color of the Ranger in question bearing the Chronos logo (an hour glass with both sides filled half way from the center enclosed in a circle, this entire image is black; this was inspired by the markings on the backs of the hands of chrono humans) over the left breast, black leather boots, jump suit top and pants are light grey, the jacket bears the Chronos logo over the left breast with thin circles radiating outward from it with the circles carrying to the pants (the circles are colored for the specific Ranger wearing the uniform); digital wristwatch that displays the current date and time wherever its wearer is located on the time stream.

Each Ranger is allowed to wear one personal item (aside from any that are physically necessary such as Martha's horn-rimmed spectacles) with his/her uniform:
Cy wears a signet ring bearing the Chronos logo (a family heirloom; he's related to one Chronos' founders)
Martha has a pearl chain for her spectacles
Reginald wears suspenders
David wears a key attached to a short chain necklace
Shizuka wears a gold bangle on her left wrist with her standard-issue wristwatch.

Argus: Black slacks, yellow tennis shoes, a pocket watch (his morpher) hooked to one belt loop and hanging resting in his right pocket, a white button-down with the top and bottom buttons and the sleeves unbuttoned, a pair of steampunk-inspired goggles around his neck (he often moves them to his face when fighting), a purple waistcoat, and a flowing silver coat (sleeves end at his elbows) with the Chronos logo on the back.

- Ranger suits -

Core Rangers:
Black gloves and boots extending to the knees and elbows respectively with a white stripe running down the center of each; the Chronos logo with a white background over the left breast; sculpted mouths on the helmets; wide, white stripes on the helmets extending from above the visors to the back of the neck; black belts; white colors; the rest of the suit is colored for the wearer; their morphers are visible on their right wrists.

Time Keeper (true form):
His arms, legs, collar, and the sides of his torso are a dark grey (this is designed to resemble chain mail); the front and back of his torso and the outsides of his legs between his knees and his hips are a bright silver; he has silver gloves and boots extending half way to his elbows and knees respectively; his helmet is designed to resemble those worn by knights in the 5th century, but the part that would close over his face is replaced by a black visor; the Chronos logo sits in the center of his chest; his morpher sits on his belt as a buckle, but it no longer has hands.

- Weapons -

Chrono Daggers (a pair of trench knives with the Chronos logo stamped into the end of each handle [at the inside of his hand where his thumb grips it])

Chrono Staff (a bow staff with an hourglass at each end)

Chrono Axe (a large battle axe with an hourglass at the end of the handle; he often wields it with a reverse grip)

David: Chrono Blaster (a large blaster with two barrels designed to resemble a double-barreled shotgun with the Chronos logo stamped into the handle)

Chrono Tonfa (a pair of tonfa with the front sections sculpted to resemble hourglasses)

Temporal Shield and Sword (a heater shield [silver with black trim and the Chronos logo in the center] and a broadsword [has a silver cross guard and a black handle; the pommel is designed to resemble a clock like his morpher, though it has no hands])

- Morphers -

Core Rangers:
Chrono Brace (a metal brace worn on the right wrist; it contains a communicator and a holder for each Ranger's corresponding hourglass).

Timepiece (an ornate pocket stopwatch [analogue] attached to a short chain).

- Morphing Sequences -

Core Rangers:
The team presents their Chrono Braces, and they all call out, "Chrono Rangers ready!" They then present their hourglasses (the sand matching the color of the Ranger holding it) and insert them into the holders on their Chrono Braces (with the sand-filled section up) while calling out, "Hourglass set!" the camera zooms in on a Ranger's hourglass and shows the sand quickly flowing into the bottom section then giving off a flash of colored light. The camera zooms out to show colored sand raining down on the Ranger and collecting around them. The sand glows and then coalesces to form their suit. This sequence is repeated for each Ranger in turn.

He presents the Timepiece and calls out, "Time Keeper, Ranger form!" He then presses the "Stop" button on the Timepiece, but, instead of stopping, the hands spin wildly, getting faster and faster. The hands vanish, and a blast of chronal energy erupts from the face of the Timepiece. He moves the Timepiece to his waist, and the chronal energy envelops him before subsiding to reveal his Ranger form.

- Zords -

Time Tunneler:
A large drill designed to tunnel from one point in spacetime to another; it's equipped with weapons to allow it to fight in vehicle mode; when the hourglasses from all 5 Rangers' Morphers are inserted into their proper slots, it converts into a humanoid battle form with the drill as its left hand.

Time Keeper Zord Form:
Argus' appearance changes to that of a mechanized suit of armor; he keeps his Temporal Sword and Shield.

Tunneling Keeper:
Unlocked, after Argus unlocks the team's Time Armor; Argus' Zord form breaks apart and attaches to the Time Tunneler as armor; this form uses both the drill and sword to fight.

- Finishers -

Chrono Canon:
A tank-like device kept in the Time Tunneler, until the Rangers call on it. When it reaches the Rangers, its canon section raises up to be level with them, and the Rangers insert their hourglasses into the 5 slots around the back of the barrel to charge it. Upon the receiving command of "Chrono Canon, fire!" from Cy, it releases a blast of energy at the enemy.

Time Wave:
Argus puts his Temporal Sword into its sheath in the back of the Temporal Shield. He holds it forward and calls out, "Time Wave, fire!" as a wave of chronal energy bursts forth from the outer ring of the Chronos logo on the Temporal Shield and engulfs the enemy.

Vortex Drill:
The Time Tunneler powers up its drill as though it were about to travel through time and charges the enemy.

Wave Slash:
Argus holds the Temporal Sword to the Temporal Shield to power it up with chronal energy and charges the enemy.

Drill Wave:
The Tunneling Keeper's drill powers up and is infused with chronal energy, which it releases as a single, spiraling beam.

- Power-up -

The Time Armor is first unlocked when Argus first fights the leader of the Unclocked.

Core Rangers:
Activated by reversing the position of the hourglass in its holder in the Chrono Brace and calling out, "Hourglass reversed! Time Armor!" (the activation sequence is much the same as the original morphing sequence); the gloves and boots of the suit become armored (the Chrono Brace becomes a part of the armor on the right arm); a breastplate forms that covers the chest and extends roughly to the belly button and costs the same portion of the back; all armor is silver in color, because it was unlocked by Argus.

Essentially a less mechanized version of his Zord Form, from the head down he now wears a full suit of armor.

- The Threat -

The Unclocked


The leader of the Unclocked; Argus' older sister (he confirms this after emerging and joining the team); a rogue temporal being who takes the form of a tall chrono human with elbow-length hair seeks to erase the current timeline and rewrite it as she sees fit; easily swayed by her emotions, she often gets caught up in the heat of things.
Tristan: The strongest fighter among the ranks of the Unclocked; clumsy and hotheaded, he wields a large hammer and takes the form of a large, muscular chrono human; he's killed by Giselle for his failures when he loses to Argus.
Sabek: Giselle's mechanic charged with supplying her with her army of Tickers, he takes on the form of a short, squat chrono human; he's remarkably cowardly, around Gisel; he serves as a source of comic relief among the Unclocked.

- Giselle's Forms, Zords, & Finishers -

Wears a long, brown trench coat, knee-length, black combat boots, elbow-length, fingerless, black gloves, a red, sleeveless dress (slit to her mid-thigh on each side), a golden chain around her neck with her morpher, and gold-rimmed sunglasses.

Clock Stopper (true form):
Her torso is gold in color as well as the outside of her upper arms (connecting with the gold on her torso, extending over her shoulders, and half way to her elbows) the lower half of her sides (essentially everything from her rib cage to her hips), her forearms from her wrists half way to her elbows, and her lower legs from her ankles half way to her knees; everything else (including a deep, swooping collar) is brown; she wears a large, brown belt high on her waist with her morpher a gold version of the Time Piece with a red "x" on its face) forming a buckle; her helmet is designed to resemble a golden Viking helmet, the face section of which a black visor; the Unclocked logo is in the center of her chest; her weapon is the Temporal Glaive (a glaive with the Unclocked logo at the base of its blade, the blade of which is designed to resemble an ornate clock hand).

Time Armor:
The gold sections of her Ranger form become armored, giving her the appearance of an armored Viking shieldmaiden.

Clock Stopper Zord Form:
Like her brother, her Zord form takes on the appearance of being a mechanized version of her Time Armor.

Time Vortex:
She begins to spin the Temporal Glaive in a counterclockwise motion, charging it with chronal energy in the process; when she's done charging, she swings the Temporal Glaive at her opponent, sending all of the stored energy at them in a single stream.

Time Crash:
 She charges the tip of her Temporal Glaive with chronal energy and rushes at her opponent.

 -Giselle's Unclocked Forces -

Gisel's sorcerer charged with creating, empowering, and enlarging the Chronivores, he takes on the form of a tall, thin chrono human; he holds Sabek and Tristan in contempt as unfit to serve Giselle; he's fiercely loyal to Giselle and often begs her not to fight the Rangers personally, but to let him fight them in her place

Orange, humanoid robots with golden boots and gloves that extend half way to their knees and elbows respectively, the Unclocked logo (a handless clock face with a red "x"), golden bells over their shoulders, and faces that are designed to resemble cuckoo clocks.

Monsters created by Dongul to carry out Giselle's mission; their specific appearances and powers are based on the time period and place in which they form.

- Major Story Arcs -

Introductions (3 episodes):
Setting = Chronos HQ in 2350, Nevada in 1875, and Tokyo in 2500

Episode 1 opens with the graduation ceremony and Ranger announcements. Cy, Martha, and Reginald are given time to get acquainted. Martha protests Cy's appointment to the position of Red Chrono Ranger citing his poor grades and relative inexperience in sensing temporal anomalies, but Chancellor McCormick assures that he chose Cy for a reason, prompting Martha to suggest nepotism under her breath. The Rangers are taken to the Chronos laboratories and given a rundown on the technology they'll be using in the field. As they prepare to take the Time Tunneler for a short practice trip, Cy accidentally keys in the coordinates incorrectly, sending them to an unknown destination. Martha berates Cy for sending them to the wrong destination, until Reginald interrupts to remind them that train tracks are bad places to sit still for long and point out an oncoming train.

Cy manages to avoid the train and begins to set the Tunneler to return to Chronos, but Martha stops him and lectures him about having forgotten that the Tunneler needs to recharge for a while, before it can travel through time again. Reginald tries to calm her down when they hear a knock at the Tunneler's door. Confused, they open it to find a man who introduces himself as David and asks if they need any help. Martha refuses, but Reginald manages to convince her that they need to do something while they wait, and it couldn't hurt. David takes them to a nearby saloon.

It's revealed through the ensuing conversation and fight that David's an outlaw whose most recent escapade (trying to hold up the train that nearly hit the Rangers) has already reached the locals' ears. Martha storms off, and Cy and Reginald start to stick up for their new friend (to David's surprise) when a Chronivore shows up with a group of Tickers. While the Rangers fight, David sneaks into the Tunneler. An indicator comes on showing that the Tunneler is ready to travel in time again, and David starts trying to figure out the controls. After he manages to put in a date he thinks will let him escape his current reputation, he hesitates before ultimately deciding that he can't leave the Rangers behind.

He looks around for anything he can do to help and finds a briefcase holding one of the things he saw on the Rangers' wrists. He puts it on and joins the fight as the Green Chrono Ranger. In the Tunneler after the fight, Martha berates him for stealing priceless equipment, but Cy and Reginald point out that they wouldn't have won without him. She ignores them and continues yelling at him, causing him to back up and accidentally press the button that activates the Tunneler's time travel mechanism.

When the Rangers materialize beneath the Tokyo Tower, Martha asks whose idea that was, and David defends himself saying that it was her fault for causing him to press the button. Martha opens her mouth to protest but ends up pouting instead. The perspective shifts to follow a pair of homeless girls, revealed to be Shizuka and her younger sister. Through their conversation we learn that they're orphans, and Shizuka has been caring for her sister for years. When a Chronivore appears with a group of Tickers, Shizuka's sister rushes to see what's happening and is caught in an explosion. Shizuka screams her sister's name and tries to run to the rubble where she'd been.

The Rangers show up and engage the Chronivore and Tickers, giving Shizuka a chance to reach her sister. The Rangers tell her to leave, but she says she can't and begs them to let her fight to save her sister. Martha says that they've already meddled too much, prompting Reginald to say that in that case, meddling a little more won't hurt, and he retrieves the final Chrono Brace from the Tunneler. Shizuka joins the fight as the Pink Chrono Ranger and hurries to her sister afterward. Her sister calls her a super hero and dies with a smile on her face. Shizuka chokes back her tears and asks the Rangers to take her with them wherever they're going. The Rangers look to Martha who sighs and says that it looks like they have no choice. Back in the Tunneler, Cy has finally figured out how to set the proper destination, and they arrive back at Chronos 5 minutes after they originally left (the original target destination).

- Character Arcs -

Takes place immediately after the introductory episodes. After being questioned about the fact that there are suddenly 2 more Rangers, Cy turns in his morpher and says that he's quitting. As the others try to dissuade him, his link to Chronos is revealed. The Rangers are forced to leave him to fight a Chronivore and a group of Tickers. Cy retrieves his morpher and joins the fight in time to finish off the Chronivore. The Time Tunneler's Zord Form is revealed in this episode.

The Rangers question Reginald's fighting ability because of his apparent laziness. He argues that he may be lazy around HQ, but when it comes to fighting he's anything but. Tristan appears with a group of Tickers. Reginald tells the others to let him handle Tristan. Tristan taunts and defeats Reginald, prompting him to spend much of the rest of the episode training. When the Rangers grow worried, he explains that he's always prided himself in being the best fighter around and that being beaten by Tristan has made him question his worth as a Ranger. Tristan returns, and Reginald manages to defeat him.

The episode opens with Martha arguing with David about the fact that he was a crook before joining them. She points out the key he wears around his neck and says that it was probably a memento from one of his favorite scores. He shouts that she doesn't know anything about him and rushes off. The Rangers catch up to him as he enters the Time Tunneler saying that he's going home. The Rangers hop on (Martha reluctantly) in time to go with him. When the Tunneler materializes in front of a house, David gets out and runs to the front door. The Rangers are surprised when they're greeted by a girl who introduces herself as David's younger sister. They find David in a bedroom with a woman who appears to be ill. A Chronivore attacks with a group of Tickers, and David furiously tells the others to let him handle them. As he fights, David's sister explains how David had run off as a kid and become an outlaw due to constant disagreements with their father. He started visiting again when their father died and their mother got sick. He never told their mother what he does, wanting her to think of him as a good man. Seeing him in a new light, Martha goes to help David fight the Chronivore. Martha apologizes for before and tells David that he's a good man. He disagrees but says he'll keep working on it.

While the Rangers are showing Shizuka around the city surrounding Chronos HQ, they meet a pair of young girls. The younger of the 2 wanders into the road and is nearly hit by a car, but Shada saves her. The older girl thanks Shada, and she says not to worry about it before turning to the younger girl and telling her to always stay with her big sister. Cy asks Shizuka about her sister, and she tells him about their parents and practically raising her sister on the streets. She's interrupted when a Chronivore attacks with a group of Tickers, endangering the girls from before. Shizuka holds off the Tickers, so they can escape, and the girls thank her.

The Rangers are sent to Birmingham, Alabama on September 15, 1963, to investigate a temporal anomaly. They find a Chronivore terrorizing the citizens with a group of Tickers. They defeat the Chronivore and Tickers easily. As time returns to its normal flow, they hear an explosion in the distance. They rush off to see what happened and find a church in ruins with many injured. The Rangers run to help, but Martha, horrified, asks how they could not realize what this means and runs off. David tells the others he'll go find her. He finds her sobbing in an alley and asks what's wrong. She explains what happened in Birmingham, Alabama on September 15, 1963, and says she feels like it's their fault. She goes on to explain how she wasn't as lucky as Cy probably was growing up and that she experienced discrimination from regular humans almost daily. She tells him that that's why she's always worked so much harder than everyone around her and why she joined Chronos in the first place. He holds her close and says that none of it's her fault and that, while he can't do anything about her past, he'll make sure she never has to feel like that again.

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