Friday, February 28, 2014

Power Rangers: Jurassic Justice - A Fan Adaptation of Kyoryuger

Power Rangers: Jurassic Justice -
A Fan Adaptation of Kyoryuger

The Premise:

     We return now to the city of Angel Grove, which has known relative peace since the end of Astronema's invasion, though there was a brief moment of danger during the Warstar Empire's invasion. A reclamation program headed by Eugene Skullovitch quickly rebuilt the city afterwards, and things soon returned to normal. The peace of the newly restored city would be short lived.

     A few short years later, what appeared to be a meteor was heading towards the city when it suddenly split in two. One piece smashed into the ground, sinking into the Earth near a children's hospital. The other doing the same, though it landed in the park near a Power Ranger memorial statue. The “meteor” was in fact a pair of brothers, ancient alien entities which had been at war with each other for centuries.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

"What If?" Power Rangers Dino Charge

     By now, most of you will have heard that Saban Brands have announced the Power Rangers series following "Super Megaforce," and that series is "Dino Charge." Saban Brands appears to be skipping an adaptation of Go-Busters, despite how great of a series it could be used to make. Which, by the way, if you haven't yet done so, you should check out my fan adaptation of the series HERE.
Official Dino Charge Promo Poster
     This story broke in a USA Today article a few days ago, confirming that the next Power Rangers series would adapt Kyoryugers. While some were skeptical of this article, eventually the official PR Facebook page confirmed the story, and soon after Saban Brands released a press release on the matter. Both the USA Today article and the press release had a synopsis for the general story the series will follow;